Hi All,
I don't have any experience with Cassandra but we are about to evaluate it for 
one of our project and a few questions had came up, namely:--    Let say we 
have replica set with 9 nodes.       There is a write with consistency 1 and 
replication "majority", so 5 nodes will get the data (say 1 through 5). There 
is a read on the node #6 that doesn't have data from the previous write.  So 
the node #6 gets the data from the other node (say #1) that has it.
        Question:       Will the node #6 have the data now to serve subsequent 
request without going to the other nodes?
        Question:       Is it possible to do a local delete of the data without 
replicating this delete? --
Thank you,Ostap                                           

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