I'm seeing hinted handoff kick in on all our nodes during periods of
high activity, but all the nodes seem to be up (according to the logs
and nodetool status).  The pattern in the logs is something like this:

18:10:45 194 READ messages dropped in last 5000ms
18:11:10 Started hinted handoff for host:
7668c813-41a9-4d42-b362-5420528fefa0 with IP: /10....
18:11:11 Finished hinted handoff of 13 rows to endpoint /10....

This happens on all the nodes every 10 min, and with a different
endpoint each time.  tpstats shows thousands of dropped reads, but no
other types of messages are dropped.

Do slow reads trigger hint storage?  If hints are being stored,
doesn't that imply DOWN nodes, and why don't I see that in the logs?


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