On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Dane Miller <d...@optimalsocial.com> wrote:
> I'm seeing hinted handoff kick in on all our nodes during periods of
> high activity, but all the nodes seem to be up (according to the logs
> and nodetool status).  The pattern in the logs is something like this:
> 18:10:45 194 READ messages dropped in last 5000ms
> 18:11:10 Started hinted handoff for host:
> 7668c813-41a9-4d42-b362-5420528fefa0 with IP: /10....
> 18:11:11 Finished hinted handoff of 13 rows to endpoint /10....
> This happens on all the nodes every 10 min, and with a different
> endpoint each time.  tpstats shows thousands of dropped reads, but no
> other types of messages are dropped.
> Do slow reads trigger hint storage?  If hints are being stored,
> doesn't that imply DOWN nodes, and why don't I see that in the logs?

Sorry, meant to add: Cassandra 1.2.3, Ubuntu 12.04 x64

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