Is hard to say, really. I guess just feels like not very serious, overly
casual, which mean not treating the project with respect? I guess I believe
if you want something treated with respect you must demonstrate how
seriously you take it oneself. I am sure this is personal opinion only, but
perhaps it is shared by others. Enterprise Pointy Haired Boss might make
purchase decision on this criteria instead of technical merits. You know
they make decision based on how pretty project logo is half the time :-)

Hope this helps

On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 4:42 PM, Michael Kjellman

> Why do you feel that link is unprofessional? Just wondering. I actually
> quite like the abbreviation personally.
> On Feb 17, 2013, at 1:37 PM, "Boris Solovyov" <>
> wrote:
> Thanks. I don't know if anyone cares my opinion, but as a newcomer to the
> community, my feedback is that it is not needed. At best it confuses a
> newbie and makes him feel like an outsider. At worst it just looks totally
> unprofessional, like here:
>  it
> is hard to form a good opinion of Cassandra project when it is being
> discussed like that.
> Hopefully this is helpful constructive criticism and not just useless
> flamebait or trollbait.
> Boris
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Tyler Hobbs <> wrote:
>> Yes, C* is short for Cassandra.
>> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 10:43 AM, Boris Solovyov <
>> > wrote:
>>> I see people refer to C* and I assume it mean Cassandra, but just wanted
>>> to check for sure. In case it is somethings else and I miss it :) Do I
>>> right understand?
>> --
>> Tyler Hobbs
>> DataStax <>

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