AFAIK there is currently only a single language that supports the
native transport Java. Go can link to c / c++ libraries. Yes no? If
yes then leveraging a thrift's c generated code or whatever c
libraries exist might be an option.

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:40 AM, Boris Solovyov
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm developing Go application. I see there is gossie, which doesn't support
> the native binary protocol, and there is gocql, which I tried. I wasn't able
> to connect to my Cassandra server. I got EOF after a timeout. I didn't
> investigate it much further. I wanted to ask the list, what is status of
> Cassandra libraries for Go? Is anyone using one of them successfully in
> production? Does it really matter whether I use new native protocol?
> - Boris

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