One more question, can I add a virtual node manually without reboot and rebuild 
a host data?

I checked nodetool command, there is no option to add a node.



On Jan 29, 2013, at 11:09 AM, Zhong Li wrote:

> I was misunderstood this  
> , especially 
> "If you want to get started with vnodes on a fresh cluster, however, that is 
> fairly straightforward. Just don’t set the initial_token parameter in 
> yourconf/cassandra.yaml and instead enable the num_tokens parameter. A good 
> default value for this is 256"
> Also I couldn't find document about set multiple tokens for 
> cassandra.inital_token 
> Anyway, I just tested, it does work to set  comma separated list of tokens. 
> Thanks,
> Zhong
> On Jan 29, 2013, at 3:06 AM, aaron morton wrote:
>>> After I searched some document on Datastax website and some old ticket, 
>>> seems that it works for random partitioner only, and leaves order preserved 
>>> partitioner out of the luck.
>> Links ? 
>>>   or allow add Virtual Nodes manually?
>> If not looked into it but there is a cassandra.inital_token startup param 
>> that takes a comma separated list of tokens for the node.
>> There also appears to be support for the ordered partitions to generate 
>> random tokens. 
>> But you would still have the problem of having to balance your row keys 
>> around the token space. 
>> Cheers
>> -----------------
>> Aaron Morton
>> Freelance Cassandra Developer
>> New Zealand
>> @aaronmorton
>> On 29/01/2013, at 10:31 AM, Zhong Li <> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Virtual Nodes is great feature. After I searched some document on Datastax 
>>> website and some old ticket, seems that it works for random partitioner 
>>> only, and leaves order preserved partitioner out of the luck. I may 
>>> misunderstand, please correct me. if it doesn't love order preserved 
>>> partitioner, would be possible to add support multiple initial_token(s) for 
>>>  order preserved partitioner  or allow add Virtual Nodes manually? 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Zhong

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