> After I searched some document on Datastax website and some old ticket, seems 
> that it works for random partitioner only, and leaves order preserved 
> partitioner out of the luck.
Links ? 

>   or allow add Virtual Nodes manually?
If not looked into it but there is a cassandra.inital_token startup param that 
takes a comma separated list of tokens for the node.

There also appears to be support for the ordered partitions to generate random 

But you would still have the problem of having to balance your row keys around 
the token space. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 29/01/2013, at 10:31 AM, Zhong Li <z...@voxeo.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Virtual Nodes is great feature. After I searched some document on Datastax 
> website and some old ticket, seems that it works for random partitioner only, 
> and leaves order preserved partitioner out of the luck. I may misunderstand, 
> please correct me. if it doesn't love order preserved partitioner, would be 
> possible to add support multiple initial_token(s) for  order preserved 
> partitioner  or allow add Virtual Nodes manually? 
> Thanks,
> Zhong

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