Hi, I´m a simple operations guy and new to Cassandra. I have the problem that one of our application is writing data into Cassandra (but not deleting them, because we should have a 90 days TTL). The application operates in 1 KS with 5 CF. my current setup:
3 node cluster and KS has a RF of 3 (I know it´s not the best setup) I can see now the problem that after 10 days most (nearly all) data are not showing anymore in the cli and also our application cannot see the data. I assume that it has something to do with the gc_grace_seconds, it is set to 10 days. I have read many documentations about tombstones, but our application doesn´t perform deletes. How can I see in the cli, if I row key has any tombstone or not. Could it be that there are some ghost tombstones? Thx for your help Br, Matthias Zeilinger Production Operation - Shared Services P: +43 (0) 50 858-31185 M: +43 (0) 664 85-34459 E: matthias.zeilin...@bwinparty.com bwin.party services (Austria) GmbH Marxergasse 1B A-1030 Vienna www.bwinparty.com