Your question is missing a "what". What do you want to know the default of?

If you are asking for the key_validation_class of the Index CF, then it's
the column type that defines it. If you're asking about the index CF
comparator, then in that example it would use a comparator that sorts like
your partitioner (so if you say use the RandomPartitioner, the comparator
will sort by md5).

And no, none of those can be changed (it would make no sense for the
key_validation_class, as for the comparator, the 2ndary index
implementation relies pretty much by design on the ordering being the one
of the partitioner).


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 11:57 AM, Alan Ristić <> wrote:

> I'm just curious for C* v1.2..
> a) Does automatic secondary INDEX CF defaults to primary CF
> key_validation_class<>
>  ('user_id' in example) or it decides by column type (varchar in 'email'
> case) what key_validation_class should be ?
> *I suppose it defaults.*
> example:
> CREATE TABLE users (
>   user_id uuid PRIMARY KEY,
>   created_at timestamp,
>   email varchar,
>   ...
> ) WITH
>      comment='Registered user';
> CREATE INDEX ON users (email);
> *b) And if yes can it be changed on CREATE INDEX? *
> *I suppose no.*
> ps: I know that sec. index in example is not optimal ;)
> Tnx,
> *Alan Ristić*
>  *t*: @alanristic <>
> *m*: 040 423 688

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