try nodetool drain. It will flush everything to disk and the commit log will be 

HH can be ignored. If you really want them gone they can be purged using the 
JMX interface, or you can stop the node and delete the sstables. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 13/12/2012, at 10:35 AM, Sergey Olefir <> wrote:

> Nick Bailey-2 wrote
>> Dropping a keyspace causes a snapshot to be taken of the keyspace before
>> it
>> is removed from the schema. So it won't actually delete any data. You can
>> manually delete the data from /var/lib/cassandra/
>> <ks>
>> /&lt;cf[s]&gt;/snapshots
> Indeed, it looks like snapshot is on the file system. However it looks like
> it is not the only thing by a long shot, i.e.:
> cassa1-1:/var/log/cassandra# du -k /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/
> 375372 
> /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/rainmanLoadTestKeyspace/marquisColumnFamily/snapshots/1355222054452-marquisColumnFamily
> 375376 
> /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/rainmanLoadTestKeyspace/marquisColumnFamily/snapshots
> 375380 
> /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/rainmanLoadTestKeyspace/marquisColumnFamily
> 375384  /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/rainmanLoadTestKeyspace
> 4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/Versions
> 52      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/schema_columns
> 4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/Schema
> 28      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/NodeIdInfo
> 4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/Migrations
> 28      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/schema_keyspaces
> 28      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/schema_columnfamilies
> 786348  /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/HintsColumnFamily
> 52      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/LocationInfo
> 4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/IndexInfo
> 786556  /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system
> 1161944 /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/
> And also 700+MB in the commitlog. Neither of which seemed to 'go away' on
> its own when idle or even after running nodetool repair/cleanup and even
> dropping keyspace.
> I suppose these hints and commitlog may be the reason behind huge difference
> in load on nodes -- but why does it happen and more importantly is it
> harmful? Will it keep accumulating?
> --
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