Nick Bailey-2 wrote
> Dropping a keyspace causes a snapshot to be taken of the keyspace before
> it
> is removed from the schema. So it won't actually delete any data. You can
> manually delete the data from /var/lib/cassandra/
> <ks>
> /&lt;cf[s]&gt;/snapshots

Indeed, it looks like snapshot is on the file system. However it looks like
it is not the only thing by a long shot, i.e.:
cassa1-1:/var/log/cassandra# du -k /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/
375384  /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/rainmanLoadTestKeyspace
4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/Versions
52      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/schema_columns
4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/Schema
28      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/NodeIdInfo
4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/Migrations
28      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/schema_keyspaces
28      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/schema_columnfamilies
786348  /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/HintsColumnFamily
52      /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/LocationInfo
4       /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system/IndexInfo
786556  /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/system
1161944 /spool1/cassandra/data/1.1/

And also 700+MB in the commitlog. Neither of which seemed to 'go away' on
its own when idle or even after running nodetool repair/cleanup and even
dropping keyspace.

I suppose these hints and commitlog may be the reason behind huge difference
in load on nodes -- but why does it happen and more importantly is it
harmful? Will it keep accumulating?

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