
Are there any known issues with initial_token collision when adding nodes to a 
cluster in a VM environment?

I'm working on a 4 node cluster set up on a VM. We're running into issues when 
we attempt to add nodes to the cluster.

In the cassandra.yaml file, initial_token is left blank.
Since we're running > 1.0 cassandra, auto_bootstrap should be true by default.

It's my understanding that each of the nodes in the cluster should be assigned 
an initial token at startup.

This is not what we're currently seeing.
We do not want to manually set the value for initial_token for each node (kind 
of defeats the goal of being dynamic..)
We also have set the partitioner to random:  partitioner: 

I've outlined the steps we follow and results we are seeing below.
Can someone please asdvise as to what we're missing here?

Here are the detailed steps we are taking:

1) Kill all cassandra instances and delete data & commit log files on each node.

2) Startup Seed Node (S.S.S.S)
Starts up fine.

3) Run nodetool -h W.W.W.W  ring and see:
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            
Effective-Ownership Token
S.S.S.S         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  28.37 GB        100.00%  

4) X.X.X.X Startup
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:16:02,194 Gossiper.java (line 850) Node 
/X.X.X.X is now part of the cluster
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:16:02,194 Gossiper.java (line 816) 
InetAddress /X.X.X.X is now UP
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:16:02,195 StorageService.java (line 1138) 
Nodes /X.X.X.X and /Y.Y.Y.Y have the same token 
113436792799830839333714191906879955254.  /X.X.X.X is the new owner
 WARN [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:16:02,195 TokenMetadata.java (line 160) 
Token 113436792799830839333714191906879955254 changing ownership from /Y.Y.Y.Y 
to /X.X.X.X

5) Run nodetool -h W.W.W.W  ring and see:
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            
Effective-Ownership Token
S.S.S.S         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  28.37 GB        100.00%  
W.W.W.W         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  123.87 KB       100.00%  

6) Y.Y.Y.Y Startup
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:17:36,458 Gossiper.java (line 850) Node 
/Y.Y.Y.Y is now part of the cluster
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:17:36,459 Gossiper.java (line 816) 
InetAddress /Y.Y.Y.Y is now UP
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:17:36,459 StorageService.java (line 1138) 
Nodes /Y.Y.Y.Y and /X.X.X.X have the same token 
113436792799830839333714191906879955254.  /Y.Y.Y.Y is the new owner
 WARN [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-29 21:17:36,459 TokenMetadata.java (line 160) 
Token 113436792799830839333714191906879955254 changing ownership from /X.X.X.X 
to /Y.Y.Y.Y

7) Run nodetool -h W.W.W.W  ring and see:
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            
Effective-Ownership Token
S.S.S.S         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  28.37 GB        100.00%  
Y.Y.Y.Y         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  123.87 KB       100.00%  

8) Z.Z.Z.Z Startup
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-30 04:52:28,590 Gossiper.java (line 850) Node 
/Z.Z.Z.Z is now part of the cluster
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-30 04:52:28,591 Gossiper.java (line 816) 
InetAddress /Z.Z.Z.Z is now UP
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-30 04:52:28,591 StorageService.java (line 1138) 
Nodes /Z.Z.Z.Z and /Y.Y.Y.Y have the same token 
113436792799830839333714191906879955254.  /Z.Z.Z.Z is the new owner
 WARN [GossipStage:1] 2012-11-30 04:52:28,592 TokenMetadata.java (line 160) 
Token 113436792799830839333714191906879955254 changing ownership from /Y.Y.Y.Y 
to /Z.Z.Z.Z

9) Run nodetool -h W.W.W.W  ring and see:
Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load            
Effective-Ownership Token
W.W.W.W         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  28.37 GB        100.00%  
S.S.S.S         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  28.37 GB        100.00%  
Z.Z.Z.Z         datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  123.87 KB       100.00%  

Thanks in advance.

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