Does anyone have any comments/suggestions for me regarding this?  Thanks

I am trying to understand some strange behavior of cassandra row cache.  We
> have a 6-node Cassandra cluster in a single data center on 2 racks, and the
> neighboring nodes on the ring are from alternative racks.  Each node has
> 1GB row cache, with key cache disabled.   The cluster uses
> PropertyFileSnitch, and the ColumnFamily I fetch from uses
> NetworkTopologyStrategy, with replication factor of 2.  My client code uses
> Hector to fetch a fixed set of rows from cassandra
> What I don't quite understand is even after I ran the client code several
> times, there are always some nodes with 0 row cache hits, despite that the
> row cache from all nodes are filled and all nodes receive requests.
> Which nodes have 0 hits seem to be strongly related to the following:
>  - the set of row keys to fetch
>  - the order of the set of row keys to fetch
>  - the list of hosts passed to Hector's CassandraHostConfigurator
>  - the order of the list of hosts passed to Hector
> Can someone shed some lights on how exactly the row cache works and
> hopefully also explain the behavior I have been seeing?  I thought if the
> fixed set of the rows keys are the only thing I am fetching (each row
> should be on the order of 10's of MBs, no more than 100MB), and each node
> gets requests, and its row cache is filled, there's gotta be some hits.
>  Apparent this is not the case.   Thanks.
> cluster information:
> Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load
> Effective-Ownership Token
> 141784319550391026443072753096570088105
> x.x.x.1    DC1         r1          Up     Normal  587.46 GB
> 33.33%              0
> x.x.x.2    DC1         r2          Up     Normal  591.21 GB
> 33.33%              28356863910078205288614550619314017621
> x.x.x.3    DC1         r1          Up     Normal  594.97 GB
> 33.33%              56713727820156410577229101238628035242
> x.x.x.4    DC1         r2          Up     Normal  587.15 GB
> 33.33%              85070591730234615865843651857942052863
> x.x.x.5    DC1         r1          Up     Normal  590.26 GB
> 33.33%              113427455640312821154458202477256070484
> x.x.x.6    DC1         r2          Up     Normal  583.21 GB
> 33.33%              141784319550391026443072753096570088105
> [user@node]$ ./
> *************** x.x.x.4
> Token            : 85070591730234615865843651857942052863
> Gossip active    : true
> Thrift active    : true
> Load             : 587.15 GB
> Generation No    : 1354074048
> Uptime (seconds) : 36957
> Heap Memory (MB) : 2027.29 / 3948.00
> Data Center      : DC1
> Rack             : r2
> Exceptions       : 0
> Key Cache        : size 0 (bytes), capacity 0 (bytes), 0 hits, 0 requests,
> NaN recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds
> Row Cache        : size 1072651974 (bytes), capacity 1073741824 (bytes), 0
> hits, 2576 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds
> *************** x.x.x.6
> Token            : 141784319550391026443072753096570088105
> Gossip active    : true
> Thrift active    : true
> Load             : 583.21 GB
> Generation No    : 1354074461
> Uptime (seconds) : 36535
> Heap Memory (MB) : 828.71 / 3948.00
> Data Center      : DC1
> Rack             : r2
> Exceptions       : 0
> Key Cache        : size 0 (bytes), capacity 0 (bytes), 0 hits, 0 requests,
> NaN recent hit rate, 14400 save period in seconds
> Row Cache        : size 1072602906 (bytes), capacity 1073741824 (bytes), 0
> hits, 3194 requests, NaN recent hit rate, 0 save period in seconds

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