A few notes: * +1 for missing RF and CL cassandra stats. * Using stripped EBS for m1.xlarge is a bad choice, unless they are using provisioned IOPS. Which they do not say. * Cassandra JVM settings are *not* standard. It's a low new heap size and a larger than default heap size. * "memtable size" which I assume they mean memtable_total_space_in_mb should default to 1/3 the heap. They have doubled it. * I would expect the above non standard memory settings to result in increased GC activity and increased latency / reduced throughput
* They presented the facts and said "you decide who is a winner" LOLS Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.com On 2/10/2012, at 4:48 AM, horschi <hors...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi Andy, > > things I find odd: > > - Replicacount=1 for mongo and couchdb. How is that a realistic benchmark? I > always want at least 2 replicas for my data. Maybe thats just me. > - On the Mongo Config slide they said they disabled journaling. Why do you > disable all safety mechanisms that you would want in a production > environment? Maybe they should have added /dev/null to their benchmark ;-) > - I dont see the replicacount for Cassandra in the slides. Also CL is not > specified. Imho the important stuff is missing in the cassandra configuration. > - In the goals section it said "more data than RAM". But they only have 12GB > data per node, with 15GB of RAM per node! > > I am very interested in a recent cassandra-benchmark, but I find this > benchmark very disappointing. > > cheers, > Christian > > > On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 5:05 PM, Andy Cobley <acob...@computing.dundee.ac.uk> > wrote: > There are some interesting results in the benchmarks below: > > http://www.slideshare.net/renatko/couchbase-performance-benchmarking > > Without starting a flame war etc, I'm interested if these results should > be considered "Fair and Balanced" or if the methodology is flawed in some > way ? (for instance is the use of Amazon EC2 sensible for Cassandra > deployment) ? > > Andy > > > > The University of Dundee is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC015096. > > >