Yep Tyler is right
It seems I have trailing *\u0000* (null) characters , (one column name is the other\u0000\u0000
for example)

I'm trying to know at what point they are created...

2012/9/21 Tyler Hobbs <>

> If you're seeing that in cassandra-cli, it's possible that there are some
> non-printable characters in the name that the cli doesn't display, like the
> NUL char (ascii 0).  I opened a ticket for that somewhere, but in the
> meantime, you may want to verify that they are identical with a real client.
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 4:03 AM, aaron morton <>wrote:
>> They are. Can you provide some more information ?
>> What happens when you read the super column ?
>> Cheers
>>   -----------------
>> Aaron Morton
>> Freelance Developer
>> @aaronmorton
>> On 18/09/2012, at 5:33 AM, Cyril Auburtin <>
>> wrote:
>> First sorry but I'm using an old version 0.7.10
>> and recently I've come up seeing this
>> => (,
>>      (column=permission, value=1, timestamp=1347895421475))
>> => (,
>>      (column=email,,
>> timestamp=1347894698217)
>>      (column=id,,
>> timestamp=1347894698217)
>>      (column=permission, value=0, timestamp=1347894698217)
>>      (column=profile, value=e24af776b4a025456bd50f55633b2419,
>> timestamp=1347894698217))
>> as a part of of a supercolumnFamily
>> I thought supercolumn was meant to be unique?
> --
> Tyler Hobbs
> DataStax <>

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