1. Use compression

2. Used Leveled Compaction

Also, 1TB/node is a lot larger then the normal recommendation...
generally speaking more in the 300-400GB range.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Hiller, Dean <dean.hil...@nrel.gov> wrote:
> While diskspace is cheap, nodes are not that cheap, and usually systems have 
> a 1T limit on each node which means we would love to really not add more 
> nodes until we hit 70% disk space instead of the normal 50% that we have read 
> about due to compaction.
> Is there any way to use less disk space during compactions?
> Is there any work being done so that compactions take less space in the 
> future meaning we can buy less nodes?
> Thanks,
> Dean

Aaron Turner
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http://tcpreplay.synfin.net/ - Pcap editing and replay tools for Unix & Windows
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Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
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"carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

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