The column name must be valid according to the type specified for the comparator .
> cannot parse ‘title’ as hex bytes. Looks like you dont have a comparator type, so it defaulted to bytes. You can either change the comparator *IF* all column names are strings or get the ascii code for "title" and use that. Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 21/08/2012, at 5:15 AM, "Ryabin, Thomas" <> wrote: > I want to add a secondary index to an existing column family, but am running > into some trouble. I’m trying to use the Cassandra CLI to add the secondary > index. The column family is called “books”, the column I’m trying to index is > called “title”, the key validation class is UTF8Type, and the default column > value validator is BytesType. > > I first tried running this command with no success: > update column family books with column_metadata=[{column_name: title, > index_type: KEYS}]; > > I got the error: > cannot parse ‘title’ as hex bytes. > > > I then tried running: > update column family books with column_metadata=[{column_name: utf8(‘title’), > index_type: KEYS}]; > > but got the error: > cannot parse ‘FUNCTION_CALL’ as hex bytes > > > Is there something I should be doing differently? > > Thanks, > Thomas > >