Consider the following statements #1 New family is created so I have no data create columnfamily Test (UserName varchar primary key, EmailAddress varchar);
#2 Count how many rows I have select count(1) from Test; -Expected: 0 -Actual: 0 #3 Select all users with a specific email address select * from Test where EmailAddress = 'x'; -Expected: Zero rows -Actual: Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with "equals" operator #4 Select all users with a specific user name (primary key) select * from Test where UserName = 'x'; -Expected: Zero rows -Actual: 1 row with 1 column 'UserName' = 'x'; I am simply trying to determine if a user already exists with a specific email address or with a specific user name. Item #4 is the most confusing, what is going on?