
> heap size = 4 gigs

I would check for GC activity in the logs and consider setting it to 8 given 
you have 16 GB.  You can also check if the IO system is saturated 
(http://spyced.blogspot.co.nz/2010/01/linux-performance-basics.html) Also take 
a look at nodetool cfhistogram perhaps to see how many sstables are involved. 

I would start by looking at the latency reported on the server, then work back 
to the client….

I may have missed it in the email but what recent latency for the CF is 
reported by nodetool cfstats ? That's latency for a single request on a single 
read thread. The default settings give you 32 read threads. 

If you know the latency for a single request, and you know you have 32 
concurrent read threads, you can get an idea of the max throughput for a single 
node. Once you get above that throughput the latency for a request will start 
to include wait time. 

It's a bit more complicated, because when you request 40 rows that turns into 
40 read tasks. So if two clients send a request for 40 rows at the same time 
there will be 80 read tasks to be processed by 32 threads. 

Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 20/05/2012, at 4:10 PM, Radim Kolar wrote:

> Dne 19.5.2012 0:09, Gurpreet Singh napsal(a):
>> Thanks Radim.
>> Radim, actually 100 reads per second is achievable even with 2 disks.
> it will become worse as rows will get fragmented.
>> But achieving them with a really low avg latency per key is the issue.
>> I am wondering if anyone has played with index_interval, and how much of a 
>> difference would it make to reads on reducing the index_interval.
> close to zero. but try it yourself too and post your findings.

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