Thanks Viktor for the advice.
Right now, i just have 1 node that i am testing against and i am using CL
Are you suggesting that the page cache might be doing better than the row
I am getting row cache hit of 0.66 right now.

On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:26 AM, Viktor Jevdokimov <> wrote:

> > Gurpreet Singh wrote:
> > Any ideas on what could help here bring down the read latency even more ?
> Avoid Cassandra forwarding request to other nodes:
> - Use consistency level ONE;
> - Create data model to do single request with single key, since different
> keys may belong to different nodes and requires forwarding requests to them;
> - Use smart client to calculate token for key and select appropriate node
> (primary or replica) by token range;
> - Turn off Dynamic Snitch (it may forward request to other replica even it
> has the data);
> - Have all or hot data in page cache (no HDD disk IO) or use SSD;
> - If you do regular updates to key, do not use row cache, otherwise you
> may try.
> Best regards / Pagarbiai
> Viktor Jevdokimov
> Senior Developer
> Email:
> Phone: +370 5 212 3063
> Fax: +370 5 261 0453
> J. Jasinskio 16C,
> LT-01112 Vilnius,
> Lithuania
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