Also i would avoid using HaProxy is possible. The best judge of a nodes 
availability is the client, and it can varies per row key. 

The exception is when you are using a web server that does not support state, 
such as php. The solution is not to use php.


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 26/04/2012, at 4:41 PM, Maki Watanabe wrote:

> If your shared disk is super fast enough to handle IO requests from
> multiple cassandra node, you can do it in theory. And the disk will be
> the single point of failure in your system.
> For optimal performance, each node should have at least 2 hdd, one for
> commitlog and one for data.
> maki
> 2012/4/26 samal <>:
>> Each node need its own HDD for multiple copies. cant share it with others
>> node.
>> On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Benny Rönnhager
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I am building a database with several hundred thousands of images.
>>> have just learned that HaProxy is a very good fronted to a couple of
>>> Cassandra nodes. I understand how that works but...
>>> Must every single node (mac mini) have it's own external harddrive with
>>> the same data (images) or can I just use one hard drive that can be
>>> accessed by all nodes?
>>> What is the recommended way to do this?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Benny

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