Thnx a lot :) :)

On Sat, Apr 14, 2012 at 11:59 PM, aaron morton <>wrote:

> but using insert query of cql is not working because i have fields in my
> table which has null values for the columns and cassandra would not take
> null values.
> You do not need to insert the null values. How they are handled depends on
> the .net client you are using.  If you really want to insert them try using
> an empty string.
> For background here is a good post about using cassandra on windows with
> links to a couple of .net client libraries…
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Developer
> @aaronmorton
> On 13/04/2012, at 6:31 PM, puneet loya wrote:
> I m able to connect cassandra and fetch rows from the  cassandra database.
> Now i want to insert the data from .net on to cassandra
> but using insert query of cql is not working because i have fields in my
> table which has null values for the columns and cassandra would not take
> null values.
> So now i have to query it the other way.. i.e, i can use set [key] [column
> name] = column value;
> but can i send this command from .net to cassandra.
> I mean we have execute_cql_query() for interacting in a cql way, is there
> anything available for the other way? that is the commands we execute on
> cassandra-cli.bat ?

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