> but using insert query of cql is not working because i have fields in my > table which has null values for the columns and cassandra would not take null > values.
You do not need to insert the null values. How they are handled depends on the .net client you are using. If you really want to insert them try using an empty string. For background here is a good post about using cassandra on windows with links to a couple of .net client libraries… http://kellabyte.com/2012/02/13/getting-started-using-apache-cassandra/ Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.com On 13/04/2012, at 6:31 PM, puneet loya wrote: > I m able to connect cassandra and fetch rows from the cassandra database. > > Now i want to insert the data from .net on to cassandra > > but using insert query of cql is not working because i have fields in my > table which has null values for the columns and cassandra would not take null > values. > > So now i have to query it the other way.. i.e, i can use set [key] [column > name] = column value; > > but can i send this command from .net to cassandra. > > > I mean we have execute_cql_query() for interacting in a cql way, is there > anything available for the other way? that is the commands we execute on > cassandra-cli.bat ?