1.0.9 is a maintenance release, so it's basically bug fixes with some minor improvements. If you plan to use LeveledCompaction, you should better to use 1.0.9+ or 1.1.0+.
maki On 2012/04/07, at 6:49, Tim Dunphy <bluethu...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hello list, > > > I just noticed that cassandra 1.0.9 was released. What's so cool > about it? It's really hard for me to keep up with all the upgrades to > cassandra db, although I really enjoy learning it and working with it. > Is there any place I can go to learn about what's new in the latest > release? Or if someone out there who really understands these issues > would be kind enough to explain to me about this in as human, > non-faq-ish way that would be rather cool. > > I'm also curious about the evolution of cassandra, which as we all > know happens rapidly. I'm wondering what some of the most important > developments were and which versions you can find them in. > > I'd certainly appreciate any knowledge you have to share. > > Thanks > Tim > > > -- > GPG me!! > > gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B