Hello list,

 I just noticed that cassandra 1.0.9 was released.  What's so cool
about it? It's really hard for me to keep up with all the upgrades to
cassandra db, although I really enjoy learning it and working with it.
Is there any place I can go to learn about what's new in the latest
release? Or if someone out there who really understands these issues
would be kind enough to explain to me about this in as human,
non-faq-ish way that would be rather cool.

 I'm also curious about the evolution of cassandra, which as we all
know happens rapidly. I'm wondering what some of the most important
developments were and which versions you can find them in.

I'd certainly appreciate any knowledge you have to share.


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys F186197B

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