
Thanks very much for your suggestions.
Libcassie seems nice but doesn't seem like it's actively maintained and i'm not 
sure if it's compatible with latest Cassandra versions. Will give it a try 

I was looking through the generated thrift .c files and I can't seem to find 
what function to call to init a connection to a Cassandra instance. Any ideas ?

Thanks and Regards,

Jeremiah Jordan <jeremiah.jor...@morningstar.com> wrote:

>If you are OK linking to a C++ based library you can look at:
>It is wrapper code around libcassandra which exports a C++ interface.
>If you look at the function names etc in the other languages, just use 
>the similar functions from the c_glib thrift...
>If you are going to mess with using the c_glib thrift, make sure to 
>check out the JIRA for it, it is new and has some issues...
>On 12/14/2011 09:11 AM, Vlad Paiu wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am trying to integrate some Cassandra related ops ( insert, get, etc ) 
>> into an application written entirelly in C, so C++ is not an option.
>> Is there any C client library for cassandra ?
>>   I have also tried to generate thrift glibc code for Cassandra, but on 
>> wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ThriftExamples I cannot find an example for C.
>> Can anybody suggest a C client library for Cassandra or provide some working 
>> examples for Thrift in C ?
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Vlad

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