Try libcassandra, but it doesn't support connection pooling ------Original Message------ From: Vlad Paiu To: ReplyTo: Subject: Cassandra C client implementation Sent: Dec 14, 2011 11:11 PM
Hello, I am trying to integrate some Cassandra related ops ( insert, get, etc ) into an application written entirelly in C, so C++ is not an option. Is there any C client library for cassandra ? I have also tried to generate thrift glibc code for Cassandra, but on I cannot find an example for C. Can anybody suggest a C client library for Cassandra or provide some working examples for Thrift in C ? Thanks and Regards, Vlad Best Regards, Yi "Steve" Yang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +1-401-441-5086 +86-13910771510 Sent via BlackBerry?0?3 from China Mobile