On Nov 6, 2011, at 3:41 PM, Ed Anuff <e...@anuff.com> wrote:

> I'd like to see official support for Zookeeper inside of Cassandra.
> I'd like it to be something that can be optionally configured.  I'd
> like to be able to make batch mutations atomic using it.

Not sure how possible this is, but we are forced to use a Zookeeper component 
in some of our applications due to the need for a small number atomic updates 
to multiple rows or CF's. 

I would also like to see the ability to store counter columns alongside of 
regular columns. It would definitely alleviate some of the need for the 
"transactional" qualities of Zookeeper as it would remove one of the bigger 
reasons we have to update two CF's at a time. (Inserting new columns into 
regular CF and increment counter of said columns.) 

Another possible solution is to allow some sort of efficient counting of 
columns for a given row-key. To take that even further if we could couple that 
ability with the current composite column functionality then we could get an 
efficient count of columns containing a particular prefix. 

Robert Jackson

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