Yes, my cluster is working. I didn't realize it at the time, but the StorageService link I listed is already in 0.8.4, so yes the only file I had to patch was VersionedValue. Not sure what was going on with the pig jars, but after more configuration changes than I can count, I'm pretty sure removing pig.jar in favor of the cloudera pig jar was the magic bullet (for the ClassNotFound I was getting, in this case TException).
One final note: in production I had to patch all of my cassandra servers (OLTP and analytics)* with the VersionedValue file for it to work (though, I did forget one setting, so now I'm still not 100% sure I had to patch all of them, but it's working now). will OLTP = vanilla cassandra analytics = cassandra + tasktracker. I'm not on brisk yet, so I've been rolling my own. On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 1:41 AM, Jeremy Hanna <>wrote: > Thanks William - so you were able to get everything running correctly, > right? > > FWIW, we're in the process of upgrading to 0.8.4 and found that all we > needed was that first link you mentioned - the VersionedValue modification. > It's running fine on our staging cluster and we're in the process of moving > to production. We're currently using pig from cdhu0. All we did was > replace the 0.8.4 jars after installing the debian packages for 0.8.4. > > Not sure if that helps anyone, but thought I would share what we've seen. > > Btw, this shouldn't be a problem once 0.8.5 comes out. > > On Sep 4, 2011, at 11:03 AM, William Oberman wrote: > > > I've had some troubles, so I thought I'd pass on my various bug fixes: > > > > -Cass 0.8.4 has troubles with pig/hadoop (you get NPE's when trying to > connect to cassandra in the pig logs). You need this patch: > > > > And maybe this: > > > > > > -I had installed from riptano rpms. I downloaded the src, applied the > patch, and did "ant jar". I then replaced the rpm installed cassandra jar > with this new one (ugly, but I wanted to continue to run from the package). > > > > -I think I was able to just replace the apache-cassandra-0.8.4.jar on > just my jobtracker + tasktracker nodes (I need to retest from scratch to be > sure, I've done a _lot_ of configuring and reconfiguring) > > > > -Then I started getting ClassNotFound exceptions during map/reduce tasks. > Still not sure why this fix works, but the problem seems to be cloudera pig > version 0.20.2+923.97-1 has two jars that match pig*.jar (which is what > cassandra contrib/pig/bin/pig_cassandra uses to setup the classpath). I had > to rename /usr/lib/pig/pig.jar for things to work (leaving > pig-0.8.1-cdh3u1-core.jar as the only match). > > > > My pig script is still running, but it's the first time it didn't > immediately crash. > > > > will > > > > > >