Thanks William - so you were able to get everything running correctly, right?
FWIW, we're in the process of upgrading to 0.8.4 and found that all we needed was that first link you mentioned - the VersionedValue modification. It's running fine on our staging cluster and we're in the process of moving to production. We're currently using pig from cdhu0. All we did was replace the 0.8.4 jars after installing the debian packages for 0.8.4. Not sure if that helps anyone, but thought I would share what we've seen. Btw, this shouldn't be a problem once 0.8.5 comes out. On Sep 4, 2011, at 11:03 AM, William Oberman wrote: > I've had some troubles, so I thought I'd pass on my various bug fixes: > > -Cass 0.8.4 has troubles with pig/hadoop (you get NPE's when trying to > connect to cassandra in the pig logs). You need this patch: > > And maybe this: > > > -I had installed from riptano rpms. I downloaded the src, applied the patch, > and did "ant jar". I then replaced the rpm installed cassandra jar with this > new one (ugly, but I wanted to continue to run from the package). > > -I think I was able to just replace the apache-cassandra-0.8.4.jar on just my > jobtracker + tasktracker nodes (I need to retest from scratch to be sure, > I've done a _lot_ of configuring and reconfiguring) > > -Then I started getting ClassNotFound exceptions during map/reduce tasks. > Still not sure why this fix works, but the problem seems to be cloudera pig > version 0.20.2+923.97-1 has two jars that match pig*.jar (which is what > cassandra contrib/pig/bin/pig_cassandra uses to setup the classpath). I had > to rename /usr/lib/pig/pig.jar for things to work (leaving > pig-0.8.1-cdh3u1-core.jar as the only match). > > My pig script is still running, but it's the first time it didn't immediately > crash. > > will > >