OrientDB may be a perfect fit for you - a little bit like couch - on
java.... we use it too - and it's super fast

2011/8/19 Milind Parikh <milindpar...@gmail.com>

> Why not use couchdb for this use case?
> Milind
> /***********************
> sent from my android...please pardon occasional typos as I respond @ the
> speed of thought
> ************************/
> On Aug 18, 2011 9:07 PM, "Nicholas Neuberger" <nneuberg...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I've been using Cassandra as a database storage device for a service based
> application.
> I'm wondering if you can design a multi-tiered cassandra cluster that is
> used by both clients and servers.
> I'd like to have the ability to setup the following:
> *Implement a Core Seed Servers / Nodes internal on network server
> infrastructure.
> *Allow client nodes to connect as needed to the Cluster, pickup /
> synchronize data that they care about, possibly in the same CF, only synch
> data that they have access to.  Client then drops.
> It's almost like using Cassandra as a synchronization medium, but still
> store ALL data on the core seed servers / nodes that always run.
> I'm trying to bridge that gap where you have independent nodes (end
> clients) that only care about their data, and then reconnect with the mother
> ship and synchronize their data and drop.  With this particular pattern, you
> could use cassandra as a client / server type of data synchronization.  An
> alternative solution was to send their data via some REST pattern into
> cassandra, but that seemed like extra work.
> Does this sound like a good idea, or is there some completely different way
> of handling data between clients.  My goal was to use cassandra
> (lightweight) on a client application, and on a server / services
> application and synchronize the data.
> Ideas?  Suggestions?   Feature Request?
> Maybe I fell of the boat into the waters.
> Nick

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