I've been using Cassandra as a database storage device for a service based

I'm wondering if you can design a multi-tiered cassandra cluster that is
used by both clients and servers.

I'd like to have the ability to setup the following:
*Implement a Core Seed Servers / Nodes internal on network server
*Allow client nodes to connect as needed to the Cluster, pickup /
synchronize data that they care about, possibly in the same CF, only synch
data that they have access to.  Client then drops.

It's almost like using Cassandra as a synchronization medium, but still
store ALL data on the core seed servers / nodes that always run.

I'm trying to bridge that gap where you have independent nodes (end clients)
that only care about their data, and then reconnect with the mother ship and
synchronize their data and drop.  With this particular pattern, you could
use cassandra as a client / server type of data synchronization.  An
alternative solution was to send their data via some REST pattern into
cassandra, but that seemed like extra work.

Does this sound like a good idea, or is there some completely different way
of handling data between clients.  My goal was to use cassandra
(lightweight) on a client application, and on a server / services
application and synchronize the data.

Ideas?  Suggestions?   Feature Request?

Maybe I fell of the boat into the waters.


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