Hi All,

I am trying  to connect Cassandra with Corda with following detals.

*Driver: org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver
URL: jdbc:cassandra:/@localhost:9160/nilabja*

*nilabja: keyspace name*
I am using no authentication.....

I am not able to connect it....getting thid following error

*The data could not be retrieved because of an error.
 The error was:
RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Error getting datafunnel data: ERROR:
DataFunnel from database error.
Query string is null.
The connection will be tested.
Connection pool could not be initialized (jdbc:cassandra:/@
ERROR: Couldn't get connection to database: jdbc:cassandra:/@*

*Any help??

*Thank You

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