Hello, I want to run the procedure of Handling Failure option #1 in http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations (i.e. the (Recommended approach) Bring up the replacement node with a new IP address ...)
Say, I have 10 dead nodes, and I want to replace it with 10 new nodes. My questions: Is it possible to run that procedure concurrently 10 times? Or must it be done one at a time? I haven't tried it, but what I tried before was: I ran removetoken of those 10 dead nodes, with the hope that the data in those 10 dead nodes will be re-replicated to the other still-alive nodes. (My goal is to make under-replicated key-value pairs to be re-replicated again until they satisfy the replication factor). But I found that running removetoken concurrently does not guarantee that all under-replicated data will reach the expected replication factor (I describe more at the end of this email). So, that's why I want to try the - Hide quoted text - Handling Failure option #1, as suggested, and I'd like to know if my goal can be satisfied or not. My apology if this question has been asked before. I tried searching, but couldn't find it. I'm using cassandra 0.6.5. Thanks very much Harry