Of significance from that link (which was great until feeling lucky was removed...): Google of terms cassandra large files + feeling lucky Yields: --- store your images / documents / etc. somewhere and reference them in Cassandra. That's the consensus that's been bandied about on this list quite frequently. we employ a solution that uses Amazon S3 for storage and Cassandra as the reference to the meta data and location of the files. works a treat On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Damien Picard <> wrote: > Hi, > > I have to store some files (Images, documents, etc.) for my users in a > webapp. I use Cassandra for all of my data and I would like to know if this > is a good idea to store these files into blob on a Cassandra CF ? > Is there some contraindications, or special things to know to achieve this ? > > Thank you