Datastax has pretty sufficient documentation on their site for secondary
On Jun 16, 2011 6:57 AM, "Mark Kerzner" <> wrote:
> Jake,
> *You need to maintain a huge number of distinct indexes.*
> *
> *
> *Are we talking about secondary indexes? If yes, this sounds like exactly
> problem. There is so little documentation! - but I think that if I read
> there is on GitHub, I can probably start using it.
> *
> Thank you,
> Mark
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 8:07 PM, Jake Luciani <> wrote:
>> Mark,
>> Check out Solandra.
>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:56 PM, Mark Kerzner <
>>> Hi,
>>> I need to store, say, 10M-100M documents, with each document having say
>>> 100 fields, like author, creation date, access date, etc., and then I
>>> to ask questions like
>>> give me all documents whose author is like abc**, and creation date any
>>> time in 2010 and access date in 2010-2011, and so on, perhaps 10-20
>>> conditions, matching a list of some keywords.
>>> What's best, Lucene, Katta, Cassandra CF with secondary indices, or plan
>>> scan and compare of every record?
>>> Thanks a bunch!
>>> Mark
>> --

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