I use ElasticSearch myself. Which is a distributed Lucene.


On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Mark Kerzner <markkerz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I need to store, say, 10M-100M documents, with each document having say 100
> fields, like author, creation date, access date, etc., and then I want to
> ask questions like
> give me all documents whose author is like abc**, and creation date any
> time in 2010 and access date in 2010-2011, and so on, perhaps 10-20
> conditions, matching a list of some keywords.
> What's best, Lucene, Katta, Cassandra CF with secondary indices, or plan
> scan and compare of every record?
> Thanks a bunch!
> Mark

Paul Loy

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