Or at least someone should write a script which will take a YAML config
and turn it into a CLI script.


From: Edward Capriolo [mailto:edlinuxg...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 12:00 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: Loading Keyspace from YAML in 0.8

On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Paul Loy <ketera...@gmail.com> wrote:

        On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Edward Capriolo
<edlinuxg...@gmail.com> wrote:

                On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Paul Loy
<ketera...@gmail.com> wrote:

                        We embed cassandra in our app. When we first
load a cluster, we specify one node in the cluster as the seed node.
This node installs the schema using
StorageService.instance.loadKeyspacesFromYAML(). This call has
disappeared in 0.8.
                        How can we do the same thing in Cassandra 0.8?
                        Paul Loy

                That was only a feature for migration from 0.6.X->0.7.X.
                You can use bin/bassandra-cli -f <file_with defs>
                But I would use the methods in thrift such as

        Paul Loy

Yes, Cassandra is very aggressive with deprecating stuff. However to be
fair it is clear that StorageService is subject to change at any time. 
With things like this I personally do not see the harm in letting them
hang around for a while. In fact I really think it should be added back,
because it makes me wonder what the MANY people going from 0.6.X to
0.8.X are going to do. 


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