In 0.8 (and 0.7) you can have a script that you create that you can run on the 
CLI that creates your schema.  We create something like a ddl file and run it 
on a new cluster.  You just pass it to the cli with -f <file.txt>.

On Jun 3, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Paul Loy wrote:

> We embed cassandra in our app. When we first load a cluster, we specify one 
> node in the cluster as the seed node. This node installs the schema using 
> StorageService.instance.loadKeyspacesFromYAML(). This call has disappeared in 
> 0.8.
> How can we do the same thing in Cassandra 0.8?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------
> Paul Loy

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