When creating a multi DC deployment tokens should be evenly distributed in 
*each* dc, see this recent discussion for an example
http://www.mail-archive.com/user@cassandra.apache.org/msg12975.html (I'll also 
update the wiki when I get time, making a note now) But no two nodes in the 
global ring can have the same token, hence the error.

 When using the NTS the RF must be set per DC using the  strategy_options 
clause in the `create keyspace  CL i statement. The global RF is just the sum 
of the per DC values. 

 Hope that helps. 

Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer

On 12 May 2011, at 12:59, Sameer Farooqui wrote:

> Yeah, Narendra is correct.
> If you have 2 nodes, one in each data center, use RF=2 and do reads and 
> writes with either level ONE or QUORUM (which means 2 in this case).
> However, if you had 2 nodes in DC1 and 1 node in DC2, then you could use RF=3 
> and use LOCAL_QUORUM for reads and writes.
> For writes, LOCAL_QUORUM means: Ensure that the write has been written to 
> <ReplicationFactor> / 2 + 1 nodes, within the local datacenter (requires 
> NetworkTopologyStrategy)
> For reads, LOCAL_QUORUM means: Returns the record with the most recent 
> timestamp once a majority of replicas within the local datacenter have 
> replied.
> - Sameer
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 5:49 PM, Narendra Sharma <narendra.sha...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> My understanding is that the replication factor is for the entire ring. Even 
> if you have 2 DCs the nodes are part of the same ring. What you get 
> additionally from NTS is that you can specify how many replicas to place in 
> each DC.
> So RF = 1 and DC1:1, DC2:1 looks incorrect to me.
> What is possible with NTS is following:
> RF=3, DC1=1, DC2=2
> Would wait for others comments to see if my understand is correct.
> -Naren
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Anurag Gujral <anurag.guj...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Thanks Sameer for your answer. 
> I am using two DCs DC1 , DC2 with both having one node each, my 
> straegy_options values are DC1:1,DC2:1  I am not sure what my RF should be , 
> should it be 1 or 2?
> Please Advise
> Thanks
> Anurag
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Sameer Farooqui <cassandral...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Anurag,
> The Cassandra ring spans datacenters, so you can't use token 0 on both nodes. 
> Cassandra’s ring is from 0 to 2**127 in size.
> Try assigning one node the token of 0 and the second node 8.50705917 × 10^37 
> (input this as a single long number).
> To add a new keyspace in 0.8, run this from the CLI:
> create keyspace KEYSPACENAME with placement_strategy = 
> org.apache.Cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy' and strategy_options = 
> [{replication_factor:2}];
> If using 0.7, run "help create keyspace;" from the CLI and it'll show you the 
> correct syntax.
> More info on tokens:
> http://journal.paul.querna.org/articles/2010/09/24/cassandra-token-selection/
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations#Token_selection
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Anurag Gujral <anurag.guj...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
>              I am testing network topology strategy in cassandra I am using 
> two nodes , one node each in different data center.
> Since the nodes are in different dc I assigned token 0 to both the nodes.
> I added both the nodes as seeds in the cassandra.yaml and  I am  using 
> properyfilesnitch as endpoint snitch where I have specified the colo details.
> I started first node then I when I restarted second node I got an error that 
> token "0" is already being used.Why am I getting this error.
> Second Question: I already have cassandra running in two different data 
> centers I want to add a new keyspace which uses networkTopology strategy
> in the light of above errors how can I accomplish this.
> Thanks
> Anurag
> -- 
> Narendra Sharma
> Solution Architect
> http://www.persistentsys.com
> http://narendrasharma.blogspot.com/

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