Thanks Sameer for your answer.
I am using two DCs DC1 , DC2 with both having one node each, my
straegy_options values are DC1:1,DC2:1  I am not sure what my RF should be ,
should it be 1 or 2?
Please Advise

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 5:27 PM, Sameer Farooqui <>wrote:

> Anurag,
> The Cassandra ring spans datacenters, so you can't use token 0 on both
> nodes. Cassandra’s ring is from 0 to 2**127 in size.
> Try assigning one node the token of 0 and the second node 8.50705917 ×
> 10^37 (input this as a single long number).
> To add a new keyspace in 0.8, run this from the CLI:
> create keyspace KEYSPACENAME with placement_strategy =
> org.apache.Cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy' and strategy_options =
> [{replication_factor:2}];
> If using 0.7, run "help create keyspace;" from the CLI and it'll show you
> the correct syntax.
> More info on tokens:
> <>
> On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Anurag Gujral <>wrote:
>> Hi All,
>>              I am testing network topology strategy in cassandra I am
>> using two nodes , one node each in different data center.
>> Since the nodes are in different dc I assigned token 0 to both the nodes.
>> I added both the nodes as seeds in the cassandra.yaml and  I am  using
>> properyfilesnitch as endpoint snitch where I have specified the colo
>> details.
>> I started first node then I when I restarted second node I got an error
>> that token "0" is already being used.Why am I getting this error.
>> Second Question: I already have cassandra running in two different data
>> centers I want to add a new keyspace which uses networkTopology strategy
>> in the light of above errors how can I accomplish this.
>> Thanks
>> Anurag

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