On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 1:20 PM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:
> Even if the node is only
> responsible for a small about of the ring, it would normally still get data
> handed to it and read from it as a replica. You would need to use a Replica
> Placement Strategy that knew it ignore the "connection only" nodes.
> IMHO it's a bad idea: Single point of failure, wasted compute resources,
> imbalance between "connection" and "worker" nodes.

As I understand what is being proposed, the node could only be
responsible for a single token, and presumably would perform very well
indeed when reading or writing that token. I don't see why you would
need to avoid placing a single token's worth of data on a node, or why
it would become a single point of failure if you did.. is there
something I'm missing.. ?


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