As Vijay says look at the "fat client" contrib. Even if the node is only 
responsible for a small about of the ring, it would normally still get data 
handed to it and read from it as a replica. You would need to use a Replica 
Placement Strategy that knew it ignore the "connection only" nodes. 

IMHO it's a bad idea: Single point of failure, wasted compute resources, 
imbalance between "connection" and "worker" nodes. 


On 19 Mar 2011, at 15:27, Vijay wrote:

> Are you saying you dont like the idea of the co-ordinator node being in the 
> same ring? if yes have you looked at the cassandra "fat client" in contrib?
> Regards,
> </VJ>
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Jason Harvey <> wrote:
> Hola everyone,
> I have been considering making a few nodes only manage 1 token and
> entirely dedicating them to talking to clients. My reasoning behind
> this is I don't like the idea of a node having a dual-duty of handling
> data, and talking to all of the client stuff.
> Is there any merit to this thought?
> Cheers,
> Jason

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