Do you have a list of the files you think are not been deleted ? 

The GC referred to here is deleting whole SSTables on disk that are no longer needed either due to 
compaction or dropping the CF. This is different to the GCGraceSeconds which refers to the minimum duration a deletion 
Tombstone should be kept.


On 25 Jan, 2011,at 01:42 PM, buddhasystem <> wrote:

OK, so I'm looking at this page:

This looks promising:
"A compaction marker is also added to obsolete sstables so they can be
deleted on startup if the server does not perform a GC before being

So it would seem that if I restart the server, the obsoleted data should be
GCd out of existence, don't you think? But it's not happening. I brought
down one node, restarted it and the old data is still there.


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