Chris, could you provide some more info on you experience? Were you using 
mmapped files? Using row or key caches? What were the memtabe thresholds? Using 
mlockall() ?

There are a couple of issues listed in the first paragraphs here that at first 
glance may cause issues


On 17/01/2011, at 1:45 PM, Chris Goffinet <> wrote:

> I've seen about a 13% improvement in practice.
> -Chris
> On Jan 16, 2011, at 4:01 PM, David Dabbs wrote:
>> Hello.
>> Can anyone comment on the performance impact (positive or negative) 
>> of running Cassandra configured to use large pages under Linux?
>> Yes, YMMV applies, but I thought I'd ask before enlisting sysadmin Fu, etc.
>> Thanks!
>> David

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