That type of operation only works (directly) when using an OrderPreservingPartitioner. There are a lot of downsides to OPP: You can instead order your keys alphabetically as column names in a row (or multiple rows, split up by some length of prefix). You peform a get_slice() on that row (or rows) and then use the column names as keys for a multiget(). It's also possible that you could avoid this step and just store the data directly in the sorted rows. - Tyler On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Koert Kuipers <> wrote: > I would like to do a get_range_slices for all keys (which are strings) > that start with the same substring x (for example “”). How do I do > that? > > start_key = x abd end_key = x doesn’t seem to do the job… > > thanks koert > > >