I would like to do a get_range_slices for all keys (which are strings) that start with the same substring x (for example "com.google"). How do I do that? start_key = x abd end_key = x doesn't seem to do the job... thanks koert
- how to do a get_range_slices where all keys start with sa... Koert Kuipers
- Re: how to do a get_range_slices where all keys star... Tyler Hobbs
- Re: how to do a get_range_slices where all keys star... Jonathan Ellis
- RE: how to do a get_range_slices where all keys ... Koert Kuipers
- Re: how to do a get_range_slices where all k... Roshan Dawrani
- Re: how to do a get_range_slices where a... Aaron Morton
- Re: how to do a get_range_slices wh... Arijit Mukherjee
- Re: how to do a get_range_slices wh... Stephen Connolly