> Have your tried it ?

yes, with a modified word count example a month or so ago.

On Oct 20, 2010, at 3:27 AM, aaron morton wrote:

> My understanding of the Hadoop integration is not great but from what I can 
> see. The code in o.a.c.hadoop.ColumnFamilyRecordReader does not use a 
> super_column in  the ColumnParent struct when making the get_range_slices() 
> call. It's just using the ColumnFamily. 
> So I would guess it would include super columns if they were present. And 
> that the IColumns passed to your map function will be instances of 
> o.a.c.db.SuperColumn. 
> Have your tried it ?
> Aaron
> On 20 Oct 2010, at 04:44, Jeremy Hanna wrote:
>> It's relatively straightforward, the current mapper gets a map of column 
>> names to IColumns.  The SuperColumn implements the IColumn interface.  So 
>> you would probably need both the super column name and the subcolumn name to 
>> get at it, but you just need to cast the IColumn to a super column and 
>> handle it from there.
>> On Oct 19, 2010, at 10:31 AM, Frank LoVecchio wrote:
>>> I have a Hadoop installation working with a cluster of 0.7 Beta 2 Nodes, 
>>> and got the WordCount example to work using the standard configuration.  I 
>>> have been inserting data into a Super Column (Sensor) with TimeUUID as the 
>>> compare type, it looks like this:
>>> get Sensor['DeviceID:Sensor']
>>> => (super_column=795a4da0-d8ac-11df-9a2c-12313d06187c,
>>>    (column=sub_sensor1, value=39.742538, timestamp=1287182112633000) 
>>>    (column=sub_sensor2, value=-104.912474, timestamp=1287182112633000) 
>>>    (column=mac_address, value=DEADBEEFFEED, timestamp=1287182112633000)) 
>>> Is there a Word Count example for super columns?  I am trying to count the 
>>> number of occurrences of "DEADBEEFFEED", much like "word1" in the column 
>>> example.  
>>> Thanks,
>>> Frank LoVecchio
>>> Software Engineer, Isidorey LLC
>>> isidorey.com
>>> franklovecchio.com
>>> rodsandricers.com

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