I have a Hadoop installation working with a cluster of 0.7 Beta 2 Nodes, and got the WordCount example to work using the standard configuration. I have been inserting data into a Super Column (Sensor) with TimeUUID as the compare type, it looks like this:
get Sensor['DeviceID:Sensor'] => (super_column=795a4da0-d8ac-11df-9a2c-12313d06187c, (column=sub_sensor1, value=39.742538, timestamp=1287182112633000) (column=sub_sensor2, value=-104.912474, timestamp=1287182112633000) (column=mac_address, value=DEADBEEFFEED, timestamp=1287182112633000)) Is there a Word Count example for super columns? I am trying to count the number of occurrences of "DEADBEEFFEED", much like "word1" in the column example. Thanks, Frank LoVecchio Software Engineer, Isidorey LLC isidorey.com franklovecchio.com rodsandricers.com