Aaron, Thanks for your response.

I use a custom UUID generator so that the second part is randomly generated (no 
MAC address). I actually want this to be random since I could potentially have 
multiple values for the same ticker, measure and time and I do not want to 

I didn't realize that supercolumns had that limitation. ticker:measure fields 
indeed seem to make sense. That's a relative easy switch.

I could indeed add the day to the field (so ticker:measure:day) to enable easy 
deletion of days. However this doesn't feel very clean. I would prefer to keep 
using columns for time and use a slice for deletion. However last time I tried 
this I got an error (something about slice deletion not yet being supported 
with batch_mutate). CASSANDRA-494 seems to indicate this is still in the works 
but I am not sure if it actually is.

Thanks again. Koert

From: Aaron Morton [mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com]
Sent: October 14 2010 15:45
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Cc: 'user@cassandra.apache.org'
Subject: Re: deletion

I would recommend using epoch time for your timestamp and comparing as 
LongType. The version 1 UUID includes the MAC of the machine that generated it, 
it two different machines will create different UUID's for the some time. They 
are meant to be unique after all 

You may also want to adjust your model, see the discussion on supercolumn 
limitations here http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/CassandraLimitations . Your 
current model is going to create very big super columns, which will degrade in 
performance over time. Perhaps use a standard CF and use "ticket:measure" as 
the row key, then you can add 2billion (i think) columns on there for each 
time. You may still want to break the rows up further depending on your use 
case, e.g. ticket:measure:day then perhaps pull back the entire row to get 
every value for the day or delete the entire day easily.

For your deletion issue, batch_mutate is your friend. The Deletion struct lets 
you delete:
- a row, by excluding the predicate and super_column
- a super_column by including super_column and not predicate
- a column

Some of the things that were not implemented were fixed in 0.6.4 i think. 
Anyway they all work AFAIK.

Hope that helps.

On 15 Oct, 2010,at 07:55 AM, Koert Kuipers <koert.kuip...@diamondnotch.com> 
Hello All,

I am testing Cassandra 0.7 with the Avro api on a single machine as a financial 
time series server, so my setup looks something like this:
keyspace = timeseries, column family = tickdata, key = ticker, super column = 
field (price, volume, high, low), column = timestamp.

So a single value, say a price of 140.72 for IBM today at 14:00 would be stored 
tickdata["IBM"]["price"]["2010-10-14 14:00"] = 140.72 (well of course 
everything needs to be encoded properly but you get the point).

My subcomparator type is TimeUUIDType so that I can do queries over time 
ranges. Inserting and querying all work reasonably well so far.

But sometimes I have a need to wipe out all the data for all day. To be more 
precise: I need to delete the stored values for all keys (tickers) and all 
super-columns (fields) for a given time period (condition on column). How would 
I go about doing that? First a multiget_slice and then a remove command for 
each value? Or am I missing an easier way?

Is slice deletion within batch_mutate still scheduled to be implemented?

Thanks for your help,

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